Summer Solstice - Peak of Light

Hi all,

Our next Wheel of the Year workshop will be

Lughnasadh... First Harvest, on Sunday 8th August 3-6pm GMT

To book simply make 25euro payment through PayPal at

We will look at the time of gathering in on a personal and collective level, work with stories of Lugh, God of Light and his foster mother Tailltiu, prepare to move towards the balance of Light and Dark at Equinox and the drawing in of the Dark half of the Year . As always we will continue our work with our Ancestors.

Looking forward to seeing you all then


Summer Solstice fell on Monday 21st of June this year and, although it was strange not to gather with Community and kindred spirits at the Hill of Tara, I was blessed and delighted to be able to gather in person with fellow members of Kilkenny Druid Grove on the 20th for ceremony and celebration.

Despite a poor forecast my early rising at 4.30 am on Solstice morning was rewarded with a glorious sunrise at St Helen's beach Rosslare Harbour close to my home. Our Wheel of the Year Summer Solstice zoom workshop on the 27th June focused on connection with Áine, said to be the daughter of Manannán mac Lir, God of the Sea. Áine is a Sovereignty Goddess of Light and Summer associated predominantly with the province of Munster but with many placenames scattered throughout the island of Ireland showing connection with her such as Dunany in Co. Louth and Legannany Dolmen in Co. Down. As always we used shamanic journey work to connect with her energy and for personal exploration.

We also continued our Ancestral work seeking support and guidance for the illumination of our path forward.


Deirdre 🌞🧡🌽🌻


Lughnasadh - First Harvest


Bealtaine - Time of Blossoming