Spring Equinox - Time of Balance


Usually the Equinox morning means being on Lough Crew with friends and students .. holding Dawn ceremony ..not this year as Covid restrictions level 5 continue . Equinox is a time of balance and here in the Northern hemisphere ,we move towards the peak of light at Summer Solstice .It is time of life ,and growth , of coming abundance and blossoming at Bealtaine. The time of transformation of and with the Cailleach in her youthful aspect . Blessings of the Equinox , may you find balance and the way forward into the growing light . Join me for an Equinox Workshop on March 28th 3-6pm ..

If you are already on the mailing list, you should have received an email with details. If not, please use “Contact Us” button on Classes/Workshops section, or email me at nilebird9@yahoo.co.uk with Heading “COIRE SOIS - Equinox Workshop”.

For those of you not on Facebook, or who may have missed the COIRE SOIS Page post, please read below:

I am aware, I have been neglecting this page and the COIRE SOIS website for a while now ..Some of you will be aware of the issues surrounding the release of the report of the commission of Investigation into Ireland's Mother and Baby homes... I have personal history of spending time within these institutions back in the early 80s , being sent to Bessborough with my first pregnancy at 18 . The grief and loss and trauma of those experiences is really what made me search for a Spirituality I could relate to and derive sustenance from as it became clear that there was no place for me in the Catholicism with which I had been brought up . I have been vocal and public about my experience particularly since the report came out . It is triggering and retraumatising and I have been struggling emotionally. As a result I didn't feel able to engage fully with the work planned . Now with Equinox, the time of Balance approaching, I hope to regain my equilibrium and go ahead with the planned courses . First up is the Equinox Workshop on 28th March 3-6pm . All about finding / restoring balance .

Hoping to see many of you there.. cost €25 payable through PayPal at nilebird9@yahoo.co.uk


Bealtaine - Time of Blossoming


Return of the Light