COIRE SOIS 2024 Update

It’s been a busy year so far for COIRE SOIS. Ordinations took place in September 2023, March 2024, and May 2024. Mythological Storytelling with COIRE SOIS Priestess/Spiritual Celebrant Treasa at Electric Picnic was wonderful, but was too much sensory overload for me. Samhain celebrations were small and local. COIRE SOIS, together with Kilkenny Druid Grove members celebrated a wonderful Winter Solstice sunrise at Knockroe.

Imbolc was celebrated with students in the COIRE SOIS Garden, and our beautiful Dawn Ceremony at Lough Crew for Spring Equinox, was followed by the ordination of a new group of Priestesses.

Bealtaine brought the blossoming of more priestesses with another round of ordinations and a new intake of students in April 2024. One of the highlights of the COIRE SOIS Year is our participation in the Uisneach Fire Festival, with this year being no exception as we brought The Coming of the Milesians to life in a Mythological storytelling performance and walked in the procession.

Summer Solstice focused on working with Áine, her story of violation and reclaiming of power and sovereignty, and how she guides us towards justice and equality, bringing light to dark places.

We move now towards Lughnasadh, the honouring of Lugh, god of light, inspirer to honourable action, and of Tailltiu, his foster mother. This is the time of First Harvest, the gathering in of all we have prepared for since Samhain.

Summer Solstice sunrise, Rosslare Harbour beach, 2024

Brigid’s Day sunset, 2024, Lady’s Island, Co. Wexford

Current group of Priestess students working with Mannannán at Ballytrent beach, close to the COIRE SOIS base.

Imbolc 2024, working with Brigid’s Cloak


A Little Bonus for you all.


Lughnasadh - First Harvest